QMUNITY Generations

Many LGTBQ older adults experience invisibility within senior serving agencies and care facilities as well as within LGTBQ communities. Barriers to accessing inclusive, culturally appropriate and sensitive services and resources impact the health and wellness of older and aging LGTBQ people. QMUNITY Generations support LGTBQ seniors and works collaboratively with senior service providers to create inclusive and welcoming communities for LGTBQ seniors. Services include: - Information and referral services for seniors and caregivers, - LGTBQ Competency Training for senior service providers, - Trans* Competency Training for senior service providers, - Women's social support groups, - Men's social support groups, - Trans* social support groups, - Monthly movie and documentary nights, - Monthly community kitchen, - Free weekly yoga, - Monthly games, arts and recreation programs, and - Special Events and workshops.

Address / Contact Info


Phone Numbers

Phone : (604) 684-8449


Web Links

This program was last updated on 08 Jun 2015.