B.C. Housing Registry
BC Housing Registry is run by BC Housing which is the provincial crown agency that develops, manages, and administers a wide range of subsidized housing options.more info
Back Health
Do you experience chronic back pain? If so, this is the class for you.more info
Balance Class 65+
Do you want to feel more confident in leading a physically active life? Gain the body strength you need to move with ease through daily routines.more info
BC 211
BC Association of Clinical Counselors
Offer a variety of educational and mental health related services for individuals, couples, families and groups.more info
BC Bereavement Helpline
Helpline for those who need support because they have suffered a loss through death.more info
BC Cancer Agency
BC Cancer Screening Program
The purpose of a screening program is to apply a relatively simple, inexpensive test to a large number of people in order to identify those with risk factors for cancer or who are in its early stages.more info
BC Centre for Elder Advocacy and Support (BCCEAS)
Works to raise awareness, and to prevent and respond to elder abuse and neglect.more info
BC CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL Mental Health Programs -Tertiary Care
The Child and Youth Mental Health Program located at BC Children's Hospital (Oak Street site) is a provincial resource providing psychiatric assessment, short term treatment (including individual, family and group), and medication review for BC and Yukon children, youth, and their families. We accept referrals for children and youth 18 years of age and younger.more info
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