Manthorpe Law Offices
MarketPlace IGA – 108th Ave
Shopping can be done over the phone.more info
Meals on Wheels – Surrey / Delta
Meals on Wheels is a Volunteer Community Service that delivers hot, nutritious meals to recipients' homes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 11:00am and 12:30pm.more info
Meals on Wheels – White Rock / South Surrey
Medical Pharmacy
Services provided: Blister packing, Dosette filling, Free prescription delivery, Hand-printed larger labels.more info
Medical Services Plan of BC
MEDIchair Surrey
MEDIchair Surrey has been servicing the Surrey, Delta, Langley, White Rock and Ladner area for over 20 years.more info
Mental Health and Addictions – Surrey Central
A program of the Fraser Health Authority.more info
Mental Health Consumer Advocacy Program
Wide range of supports, information, and advocacy for consumers of mental health services.more info
Mental Health – White Rock/ South Surrey
The community geriatric psychiatry program is a specialized outreach service for people 65 and over who are affected by dementia, major affective disorder or other severe mental illnesses.more info
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