Abuse / Neglect - Relationship Violence
Atira Women's Resource Society
Provides services for women and/or their children who have experienced relationship violence.more info
Durrant Transition House
Durrant Transition House supports women with complex needs, and their children, who are fleeing and/or seeking support around their experiences of violence and abuse, struggles with substance use and mental and spiritual wellness.more info
Evergreen Transition House
Evergreen provides safe shelter to women and children who are victims of violence or emotional abuse from their partners.more info
Protection Order Registry
The Family Project - Children Who Witness Abuse & Rediscover Parenting Program
Children Who Witness Abuse (CWWA) Support Program Ten-week closed groups for children who have witnessed abuse. Rediscover Parenting is a 15-week support group for women who have experienced violence/abuse.more info
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