Healthy Living
Back Health
Do you experience chronic back pain? If so, this is the class for you.more info
Balance Class 65+
Do you want to feel more confident in leading a physically active life? Gain the body strength you need to move with ease through daily routines.more info
Cardio Gym - Drop-in at the Centre for Active Living
Get your cardio workout in a gym setting.more info
A mobile personal trainer servicing White Rock, South Surrey, Cloverdale and parts of Langley.more info
Exercise to Prevent & Manage Chronic Disease & Diabetes
This comprehensive program is conducted by a Certified Clinical Rehab Specialist.more info
Fit with Diabetes
If you have type 2 diabetes or are at risk for diabetes this class is for you.more info
Fitness - Total Fitness Testing
Know your fitness level before you get started on a training regimen.more info
Fitness Guidance - Where do I begin?
Have you been advised by your physician to begin an exercise regimen? Book an appointment with a professional who will guide you to appropriate programs and a course of action.more info
Get Up and Go! 65+
An appropriate entry level exercise program for seniors with balance and mobility impairments.more info
Healthiest Year Ever
HEALTHIEST YEAR EVER - MANAGE CHRONIC CONDITIONS The Healthiest Year Ever program is designed to help you manage and reverse chronic conditions (ex: diabetes, CVD, etc) through a medically-supervised lifestyle approach. more info
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