Mental Health / Counselling
Crisis Line
Help is Available! We truly are here to listen, here to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, call 1-800-784-2433 (1-800-SUICIDE), or call your local crisis centre.more info
Adolescent Day Program & Youth Day Treatment Program
Provides assessments, education and counselling for age 13 to 18. more info
Adult Mental Health Counselling
Registered Clinical Counsellor BCACC #8262 Individual and group counselling; focus on persistent mental health issues including anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, addictions, chronic physical health problems and personality disorders. Talk therapy, assessments, EMDR, psycho-education, referrals and liaison with other health care professionals as needed. Experience working with family doctors, nurses, community policing, psychiatrists, music therapists, physiotherapists, social workers, spiritual care providers and mental health workers.more info
Alcohol & Drug Information Line
Alliance Clinic Ltd
Alzheimer Society of BC Resource Centre – White Rock, Surrey, North Delta
Provides one-to-one support, education classes, support groups and information about Alzheimer’s disease, mild cognitive impairment, and other dementias including vascular dementia and Lewy Body.more info
Anxiety BC
The Anxiety Disorders Association of British Columbia (AnxietyBC™) is a non profit organization established in early spring of 1999 by a group of concerned consumers, family members, and professionals, who work to increase awareness about anxiety disordermore info
BC Association of Clinical Counselors
Offer a variety of educational and mental health related services for individuals, couples, families and groups.more info
BC Bereavement Helpline
Helpline for those who need support because they have suffered a loss through death.more info
BC CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL Mental Health Programs -Tertiary Care
The Child and Youth Mental Health Program located at BC Children's Hospital (Oak Street site) is a provincial resource providing psychiatric assessment, short term treatment (including individual, family and group), and medication review for BC and Yukon children, youth, and their families. We accept referrals for children and youth 18 years of age and younger.more info
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