Mental Health / Counselling - Private Counselling - Registered Counsellors
Womens' Place Trauma Counselling Program
Crime - Victim Assistance Counselling For any women, children, adolescents or men that have been the victim of a crime and have been awarded counselling benefits through the Crime – Victim Assistance Program we have experienced trauma counsellors that can help people resolve the traumatic stress that has resulted from the incident. Traumatic stress can severely disrupt a person’s functioning and well-being. It is common to experience difficulty sleeping, panic attacks, withdrawal from every day activities, low mood and hypervigilance. Our trauma counsellors have extensive training in helping people that have experienced a trauma. The therapy models used by our trauma counsellors include Sensory-Motor Processing, Focusing, Eye Movement De-sensitization and Reprocessing and Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Trauma. For more information or to set up an appointment please contact Heather Evans at 604-541-4827. If you have been the victim of a crime and have not applied for counselling benefits you can apply online at more info
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