Seniors - Caregiver Support & Resources
Burnaby Seniors Outreach Services Society
Non-profit society dedicated to promoting the well-being of seniors through the support of their peers.more info
Caregiver Outreach & Education
Support for those caring for family members and friends. Caregiving can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it is also common for caregivers to experience increased stress, health problems, and financial consequences.more info
Caregivers Network of Surrey/Delta
Offers emotional and social support to family caregivers who provide care to a loved one with a chronic or long-term illness, disability or frailty.more info
DIVERSEcity Community Resource Society
We provide information, referral and support services to South Asian caregivers in Punjabi, Hindi and Urdu languages.more info
Family Caregiver Society of BC
We are a non-profit organization that assists family caregivers build skills, reduce stress and enhance quality of life. We believe in the power of social networks and that no one needs to care alone.more info
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