Service Available in: English Language
Adult Mental Health Counselling
Registered Clinical Counsellor BCACC #8262 Individual and group counselling; focus on persistent mental health issues including anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, addictions, chronic physical health problems and personality disorders. Talk therapy, assessments, EMDR, psycho-education, referrals and liaison with other health care professionals as needed. Experience working with family doctors, nurses, community policing, psychiatrists, music therapists, physiotherapists, social workers, spiritual care providers and mental health workers.more info
Better Me Pharmacy
Better Me Pharmacy is what community pharmacy should all be about. Old school personal service combined with up-to-date technologies for prescription filling from your neighbourhood pharmacist. Better Me Pharmacy is where you will find your independent alternative to the big-box corporate chain pharmacies. Better Me Pharmacy is a place where your time as a patient is valued. This is a place where you will find your friendly, neighbourhood pharmacist who will answer your health-related questions and dispense some sound advice before dispensing your medications.more info
Bounce Back
Bounce Back is an evidence-based program designed to help adults experiencing symptoms of mild to moderate depression, low mood, or stress, with or without anxiety. The program offers a free DVD available to all, and free telephone coaching available by doctor referral.more info
Breast Cancer Peer Support Group
We are a support group for breast cancer survivors. The meetings are held in the South Surrey / White Rock area on the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month - unless it is a statutory holiday. For more information, please email BCPSGinfo@gmail.commore info
British Columbia Schizophrenia Society
Mental Health Family Support, Education and Respite Services. more info
Camp Goodtimes
Camp Goodtimes provides a safety-focused, medically supervised, fun and recreational experience for children and teens affected by cancer and their families.more info
Canadian Cancer Society
Get trusted cancer information, locate community services, find help with travel & accommodations, borrow wigs & prosthesis, talk to someone who’s been there, adjust to life after treatment.more info
Cancer Connection
Peer support for people with cancer and their caregivers.more info
Cancer Information Service
Available to cancer patients, caregivers or anyone who needs help understanding cancer and finding community services. Toll-free service accessible in multiple languages.more info
Cerebral Palsy Guidance
Cerebral Palsy Guidance was created to provide answers and assistance to parents of a child with cerebral palsy. Our goal is to reach as many members of the cerebral palsy community as possible, building up a network of support, as well as providing necessary assistance. We cover cerebral palsy from all angles–from symptoms, causes, and treatment, to daily living information, such as communication and transitioning to adulthood articles. Our information is provided by expert writers and is thoroughly researched and cited. info
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