Better Me Pharmacy
Better Me Pharmacy is what community pharmacy should all be about. Old school personal service combined with up-to-date technologies for prescription filling from your neighbourhood pharmacist. Better Me Pharmacy is where you will find your independent alternative to the big-box corporate chain pharmacies. Better Me Pharmacy is a place where your time as a patient is valued. This is a place where you will find your friendly, neighbourhood pharmacist who will answer your health-related questions and dispense some sound advice before dispensing your medications.more info
FamilySmart Parent in Residence Program
FamilySmart™ Parents In Residence (PiR) and Youth In Residence (YiR) provide peer support, mentoring, system navigation and access to information, resources, networks and education for youth or young adult with lived experience of mental health and/or substance use challenges;families and caregivers parenting children, youth or young adults with mental health and/or substance use challenges; and systems and service providers; to assist in building knowledge, skills and capacity in working well together with youth, young adults and families to enhance mental health outcomes. more info
Hero Home Care
Our philosophy is simple. We hire heroes, not just caregivers. Whether it’s companionship or in-home nursing (or something in-between), Hero Home Care has a hero for you. Our experienced team of Nurses will take the time to understand the health, home and social care needs of your loved one and design a personalized home care solution that meets their needs and provides peace of mind for you and your family. Services are customized to suit your needs • Companionship • Homemaking • Cooking & Meal Support • Personal Care • Medication Management • Home Nursing • End-of-Life Care • Dementia & Alzheimer’s Care.more info
Manthorpe Law Offices
Outreach LIFE program coming to a community near you
InspireHealth is a not-for-profit, Ministry of Health approved supportive cancer care organization. All of our clinical services, programs and classes are completely free.more info
Peers Reaching Out (PRO) Program
Peers Reaching Out (PRO) is a Seniors Come Share Society pilot program funded by the Peace Arch Hospital Foundation. PRO is designed to address the needs of older adults in the South Surrey/White Rock area, who may for health, financial or other reasons be isolated and withdrawn from their peers and community. more info
Seaglass Registered Massage Therapy
We are a team of Registered Massage Therapists dedicated to providing effective treatments using a variety of techniques. Our mission is to provide a therapeutic healing experience in a calm, restorative environment. Seaglass Registered Massage Therapy clinic is located in the Morgan Crossing neighbourhood. more info
Sleep Lab
Offers overnight polysomnogram sleep studies to help with the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea and narcolepsy.more info
Snore MD Sleep Apnea Clinic
Better Sleep. Better Life. At Snore MD we know exactly how the lack of a good night’s sleep affects you. Now is the time to solve your sleep issues, including snoring, sleep apnea, and restless sleep. Snore MD Sleep Apnea Clinics are located around British Columbia to meet with you one-on-one. more info
The Adapt Clinic (Psychiatric Genetic Counselling)
This provincial clinic offers free (covered by MSP) genetic counselling to individuals of all ages (and / or their families) who live with a psychiatric diagnosis. The service can help individuals with mental health disorders and their family members better understand the cause and potential chances for them or their family members (eg. children) to develop a psychiatric disorder. The clinic offers individuals and families a very powerful service as it helps people better understand why they have a mental health disorder. The clinic’s counsellors can help patients reframe understandings of the causes of mental health disorders. This is the only clinic of its kind in the world! Learn more about genetic counselling on our website.more info
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